Thank you for your attention to Innovation pipeline [Knowledge News Information] column! Sun Yat-sen (1866.11.12-1925.3.12), the real name of Sun Wen, the spectral name of Deming, the name of which is contained in the word "Rixin" and "Yixian", the young name of Emperor Xiang, a native of Zhongshan, Guangdong Province, is a great forerunner of China's modern democratic revolution. Every November 12 is the anniversary of Sun Yat-sen's birth. Every year on the birthday of Dr. Sun Yat-sen, various activities will be held throughout the country to commemorate his birthday. There is a Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall in Nanjing. Chairman Mao Zedong spoke highly of Mr. Sun Yat-sen's life in his article "In memory of Mr. Sun Yat-sen". He said that Sun Yat-sen was "the banner of the Chinese revolutionary democrats", emphasizing the commemoration of his great achievements in leading the people to overthrow the imperial system and establish the Republic during the 1911 Revolution. To commemorate his great achievements in developing the old Three People's Principles into the new Three People's Principles during the period of cooperation between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party. Thank you for your attention to the Gongyi Zhongyuan Innovation Pipeline Equipment Co., Ltd website Welcome to call Double flanged force transfer joint series product technical consultation telephone: 0371-68676867!


Time:2019/2/27 9:33:29



1、状态 -- 按软管使用时的状态,参照金属软管的正确使用与安装方法与软管在沉降补偿时的较佳长度.软管各种运动状态的长度计算及软管的较小弯曲次数和较小弯曲半径等因素,参数正确选取软管长度,并正确安装。

2、尺寸 -- 软管公称通径,选用接头型式金属膨胀节(主要有法兰联接、螺纹连接、快速接头连接)及尺寸,软管长度。

3、压力 -- 根据金属膨胀节实际工作压力,再查询波纹的公称通径与压力表,决定是否使用不锈钢网套类型的

4、介质 -- 软管中所输送的介质的化学属性,按软管材质耐腐蚀性能参数表,决定软管各零件的材质。

5、温度 --金属膨胀节内介质的工作温度及范围;软管工作时的环境温度。高温时,须按金属膨胀节高温下的工作压力温度修正系数,确定温度修正后的压力,以确定选用正确的压力等级 。