Dear [Double flanged force transfer joint,Rubber soft joint,Flexible rubber joint, Flexible waterproof casing pipe,Rigid waterproof casing pipe,Cast iron expansion,Casing expansion,Steel expansion,Directly buried ripple compensator,Non-metal compensator] customer friend! Thank you for your attention to Innovation pipeline [Knowledge News Information] column! In 2001, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council decided to take the implementation date of China's current Constitution on December 4 as the annual national legal publicity day. The "December 4" National Legal Publicity Day is an effective carrier for Chinese citizens to familiarize themselves with the law, recognize the law and safeguard their rights and interests. It is also an important window to show the achievements of China's legal construction and establish a good image of China's rule of law. The 11th meeting of the Standing Committee of the 12th National People's Congress voted to establish December 4 as the National Constitution Day. Innovation reminds you industry customer friends: internalize the principle of "law-abiding is glorious, and law-breaking is shameful", and establish the rule of law concept of "consciously abiding by the law, finding the law in case of trouble, and relying on the law to solve problems". Thank you for your attention to the Gongyi Zhongyuan Innovation Pipeline Equipment Co., Ltd website Welcome to call Double flanged force transfer joint series product technical consultation telephone: 0371-68676867!


Time:2020/7/28 14:11:39

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