It's freezing in December. Innovation pipeline believe that by being creative and constantly striving to challenge ourselves Innovation provide the highest-quality proucts in the marketplace. Dear Double flanged force transfer joint customer, welcome to the Innovation pipeline website! In the winter solstice, I will tailor "health" for you, carefully make "happiness", sincerely subscribe to "happiness", and sincerely bless "deep love". I wish you a healthy winter without worries, happiness, disease, happiness, sadness, and sincere company, without worries! Innovation I wish you a happy winter solstice! Facing the fierce competition in the global market and Pipeline construction in the paper industry industry, Innovation pipeline adheres to the principle of "user first". We are willing to sincerely cooperate with people of insight from all walks of life to create the future. At the same time, we sincerely welcome people of insight from home and abroad to negotiate trade and cooperate in business. Gongyi Zhongyuan Innovation Pipeline Equipment Co., Ltd will serve you wholeheartedly.


Time:2019/7/6 2:23:14





       隰县橡胶挠性接头产品供应商--创新管道小编节气节日养生知识提醒:   暑是人体阳气*旺盛的时候,“春夏养阳”。所以人们在工作劳动之时,要注意劳逸结合,保护人体的阳气。小暑虽不是一年中*炎热的季节,但紧接着就是一年中*热的季节大暑,民间有“小暑大暑,上蒸下煮”之说。隰县造纸、制药、石油化工、船舶、水泵等管道系统的朋友注意啦:小暑正是民间繁忙的时候,种植蔬菜,备足过冬;此时我国大部分地区也都在忙于夏秋作物的田间管理。炎热的气候,由于出汗多,消耗大,再加之劳累,人们更不能忽略对身体的养护。



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